「 ★ 」 . Y σ u r . G r α v ι t α t ι σ η .

terça-feira, setembro 08, 2015

Não somos iguais...
Sim, dificilmente eu irei te agradar.

Não sou como você: não pensamos igual, muito menos de forma parecida; não temos o mesmo ponto de vista/concepção para "certo e errado"; nos importamos com coisas totalmente diferentes. Somos assim como fogo e trovão, não nos completamos, nem nos anulamos.
Não espere de mim o que você espera de sí mesmo, ou pensamentos como os seus, pois não terá. Eu gosto de ser assim, de falar o que quero, fazer o que dá vontade, de ser "livre". Faço acontecer.

Não me leve a mal, não é como se eu não gostasse de você. Eu não vou -e nem quero- tirar suas coisas de você: amigos, amores... Mas eu não vou deixar de ser quem sou porque você não gosta ou não concorda com algo que eu faça, fale. Porém não lhe julgo, muito menos imponho a você que tudo o que digo, são verdades.

No entanto, o mundo é assim, e as diferenças existem para isso: serem um equilíbrio das coisas.

Entre nós não há amor, nem admiração. Restará apenas o respeito.

terça-feira, agosto 11, 2015

Things by its own way
Everything has a natural course, and the same goes on with people, for sure. Yes, we are humans, we are alive, and some of us, need to know the unknown to accept. We need to argue, to discuss, to make choices, see other’s people opinions to create ours, and then decide what is right or wrong. And then we start grow up, and know a lot of things more. But in this road, we start to doubt too.

There’s always a moment in our life that we trust too much in someone who don’t deserve. Or better saying, we believe and hope, that this someone can fulfill all of ours expectations, desires and dreams. We create an illusion based on the people we met, expecting always something more, because we just want it. All the people you know, some friend maybe, or a crush... 
Imagine like this: You started going out with someone and, what approached you, was the same kind of thoughts both have. You think "alpha". And then, a time after being together, you've changed your mind to "delta" but your crush still "alpha". But you’re just idealizing some kind of people you want the other to be, or some kind of thought you wait for the other one to have, maybe action, manners... But this is hopeless, right? Every single person have a type of mind, and no matter how much you wish the other to be the way you want, this isn’t going to happen.
The only one you might expect something of, is from yourself. This is why you have to believe in you, in your dreams, concerns, convictions. You’re always changing yourself, but not losing your essence.

People are always changing... They don’t are the same as 5 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 1 hour… People are in constant change. They way of thinking about the world, about the others, about the nature; the things they like to do suddenly be pretty boring. And they start liking something new, unusual, not common to they a second ago. They dislike theirs cloths, perfumes, colors, hairstyles, parties, the way a friend will speak with him/her. They’ll get angry for things they usually don’t cared about. They’ll care about thing they thought it was odd, maybe strange. But this is ok. It’s a cycle. And everyone is one…
